
Tony Silva: Amazon Parrots in Field and Aviary

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69,00 €
Steuerbetrag4,51 €
Amazon Parrots in Field and Aviary 
Internationale Neuerscheinung 2022 von Tony Silva. 
Über Haltung, Freileben und seine speziellen Erfahrungen mit Amazonen: 
Tony Silva: "Amazons are intelligent, loud, unpredictable, aggressive, meek, and often pose a challenge to keep and breed. They are a favorite and have had a place in my collection for very many decades. This book has taken just as long to write. I started it in the 1980s but soon realized that I lacked the knowledge to produce a book that would encompass both field and aviary studies." 
528 Seiten, englischsprachig.
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