Language: English
Nutrition and diets of parrots, parakeets, lories and lorikeets
PAPAGEIEN International - Special Issue Nutrition is a science based publication in the international edition of the professional journal PAPAGEIEN.
Publisher: René Wüst
Editor: Prof. Dr. Petra Wolf
Authors: Dr. Gerd Britsch, Dr. Marcellus Bürkle, Dr. Patrick Ghysels, Dr. Annett-Carolin Häbich, Dr. Ruth Kothe, Dr. Norbert Kummerfeld, Dr. Anna Linerva, Dr. Carlo Manderscheid, Dr. Elisabeth Peus, Dr. Matthias Reinschmidt, Dr. Xaver Wapelhorst and Prof. Dr. Petra Wolf.
Translator: Tony Pittman
Quality and knowledge „Made in Germany“
Content (extract):
Nutrient contents of seeds
Seeds versus pelleted diets
Supplements (calcium, vitamin A)
Nutrient requirements of parakeets, amazons, african greys, macaws, cockatoos, lorikeets and lories
Dietary measurements (liver, kidney)
Hygienic quality of foods
Water consumption of parrots
Poisoning risks
“In the PAPAGEIEN INTERNATIONAL - SPECIAL ISSUE NUTRITION you will find a comprehensive series of articles on the correct nutrition of parrots and parakeets. The spectrum spans from avian feed science via the nutrition of some parrot species to frequently occurring nutritional problems from everyday life.“
A must for parrot breeder and parrot keeper.
Prof. Dr. Petra Wolf, professorship for diet and feeding of animals, University Rostock/Germany.
About the brand PAPAGEIEN:
It is the number 1 in Europe for keepers and breeders of parrots and parakeets. The leading professional journal about breeding, keeping and life in the wild. Regular issues: Every months new, for more than 30 years.
Volume > 90 pages