In the issue 2/2020 you can read
· Lubos Tomiska, Marcia Weinzettl & Rafael Zamora Padron: First breeding of Little lorikeets in a European zoo
· Rosemary Low: Breeding the Rose-crowned conure or: What Breeding Failure teaches us (Part 2)
· Franz Pfeffer: Food cultivation in the garden
· Wolf-Dietrich Gürtler: Parrots in Kaokoland
· Dr. David Waugh: Convincing research results and high-tech nesting boxes help Swift parrots
· Petra Elmrich: 23rd meeting of the Fonds für bedrohte Papageien
· Fires in Australia have reached gigantic proportions
· Heat wave in Australia takes its toll among the birds
· Habitat of the Western Ground parrot threatened by fire
· Rainbow lorikeets threaten endemic species on Tasmania
· Kaka sightings in Remutaka Forest Park
Updating the Red List
Language: German