These contents can be found in issue 12/2021
- Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover: Offspring of the red-legged seriemas
- Zoo Neuwied: From foundling to release into the wild
- Vogelpark Avifauna: After 20 years, Magpie-geese hatch again
- Sandgrouses - "peculiar" survival artists from steppes and deserts of the Old World by Dr. rer. nat. Franz Stäb (Part 1)
- Keeping and Breeding Slaty-headed Parakeets - a Field Report by Marcel Schneider (Part 2)
- Cuckoo children or unusual nest siblings - about an amazing offspring by Andreas Glück
- Feathered builders - the "Type 2" nest by Theo Kleefisch (Part 3)
- Aviary construction - outdoor aviary and shelter for small birds by Dr. Sigrid März (Part 2)
- Diepholz geese - old country nobility by Tessa Schardt
- Noisy creeks affect the lives of birds
- Waldrapp breeds again in Germany
- How storks find their way to freshly mown meadows
Language: German