Running ducks
All about the lively snail eaters
The slender body and the upright walk are the typical characteristics of the Indian running ducks, which are often kept for biological snail control because of their special preference for slugs. In addition, these ducks have several other advantages: These relatively robust and undemanding animals are almost self-sufficient in summer, can cope well with sub-zero temperatures in winter and, to be happy, do not need much more than a safe barn for the night, a bathing facility and, of course, plenty of room to run. In addition, their eggs can be used for cooking and baking, and last but not least they are entertaining garden residents thanks to their bright nature. Everything you need to know about the history, keeping and health of these uncomplicated ducks is described in this book.
From the contents
· From egg supplier to snail killer
· A home for ducks
· Living side by side and together
· From egg to duck
· First aid for problems
Author: Jessica Rohrbach
Jessica Rohrbach lives with her partner in Südthüringen, where she has realized her dream of keeping poultry as a hobby. The lively running ducks are the secret favourites of the author and journalist.
2014, 128 pages, approx. 80 colour illustrations, softcover
Language: German