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Clicker training for chickens
Encourage positive behavior, learn perfect timing
Chicken tricks with clicks! This book by the experienced and excellent animal expert Giene Keyes guides you through clicker training with your own chickens. With the help of creative game ideas, ingenious tricks and the right preparation you will not only encourage your birds to learn, but also to live together with each other and with other animals. By building up a relationship, not only will you learn to understand your chickens and roosters, but you will also learn to direct the learning process in the right direction and thus positively strengthen the smallest tendencies.
Author: Giene Keyes
Giene Keyes is an award-winning professional dog trainer. Her methods of positive reinforcement form the basis for her training work with chickens and other animals. She regularly holds lectures and workshops on animal behavior and operant conditioning, including chickens.
2020, 144 pages, 115 color photos, paperback
Language: German