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Armin Six: Hühnerzucht heute

Language: German

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24,90 €
Tax amount 1,63 €

Chicken breeding today

breed portraits - breeding - keeping - genetics - inheritance

The standard work for chicken breeders

This book offers a comprehensive overview of all relevant sub-areas of chicken breeding under special consideration of current conditions and requirements.

- Development and behavior of the domestic chicken

- 125 breed portraits in words and pictures

- Inheritance and breeding methodology

- Specialized information of genetics

- Breeding and rearing and keeping

- Correct care and feeding

- The most common diseases and their treatment and possible vaccinations

Author: Armin Six

2018, 236 pages, illustrated throughout in four colors, hardcover

Language: German

© Papageien.de | Arndt-Verlag e.K. 2025

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