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A.-K. Gomringer: Unsere ersten Enten

Language: German

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16,90 €
Tax amount 1,11 €

Our first ducks

Running ducks, Pomeranian ducks and Co.


Keeping your own ducks brings a country feeling to your garden, a lot of variety and some advantages. Ducks not only keep the garden free of weeds, snails and other vermin. You yourself will find an enchanting balance to your daily work routine with the lively ground ducks, the peaceful flying ducks or the shimmering emerald ducks. This atmospheric guide shows you everything that ducks need to feel comfortable in your duck garden.


Author: Anne-Kathrin Gomringer

Anne-Kathrin Gomringer studied agricultural sciences and has been dealing with the topic of livestock farming in a committed and enthusiastic way for many years. She grew up on a small farm and has a lot of experience in keeping chickens, cattle, pigs, ducks and rabbits.


2015, 95 pages, 83 colour photos, 4 drawings, softcover


Language : German

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