The great lexicon of bird care
Two volumes of the great classic at a bargain price.
The wealth of knowledge of old master Doz. Dr. habil. Franz Robiller. A must for bird lovers in their own library, because here collects knowledge from over 50 other authors from around the world.
All bird species and subspecies are described extremely expertly, which are or were in Europe in the attitude and breeding.
The two volumes also help to avoid mistakes in the care and breeding of the birds, to recognize and prevent diseases and to interpret behavioral patterns. The portraits of breeders associations, conservation organizations and biographies of important personalities, complete this rich technical literature.
2 volumes together (Volume 1 A-K, Volume 2 L-Z) in a practical slipcase
894 pages, format 20 x 28 cm
940 illustrations, photos and drawings
Language: German