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Svensson, Mullarney, Zetterstrom: Der Kosmos-Vogelführer

Language: German
29,99 €
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The Kosmos-Bird Guide

All species of Europe, North Africa and the Near East


The cosmos-bird-guide is the most comprehensive determination-book of all types of Europe, North-Africa and Near east. 900 bird-types - brood-birds, exceptions, naturalized types - on over 4.000 color-drawings with the different clothes, subtypes and sexes. Explanations in the picture refer to important features and facilitate orientation. Detailed texts describe size, habitat, characteristics, distribution and voice. Extensive changes based on the latest research in shearwaters, birds of prey, gulls, doves, owls, thrushes, warblers and shrikes are explained. Current distribution maps with breeding and wintering areas, migratory routes complete the standard work of the world's leading ornithologists and bird watchers.


Texts, maps: Lars Svensson

Lars Svensson is one of the leading ornithologists in Europe. He has acquired his extensive knowledge mainly on his numerous travels through Europe, Asia and the Middle East.


Illustrations and legends: Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterstrom

Killian Mullarney is one of the best bird artists in the world.

Dan Zetterstrom works as an ornithologist and is one of the best bird cartoonists in the world.


2nd edition 2011, updated 2018, 400 pages, 4,000 color drawings, hardcover edition


Language: German