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Peter Berthold: Unsere einzigartige Vogelwelt

Language: German
29,99 €
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Our unique world of birds

The diversity of species and why it is in danger


Emotional, atmospheric bird portraits almost make you forget that the extinction of species in Germany has increased exponentially over the last 20 years. Almost all species of "our childhood" are massively threatened in their existence today. Why this is so and how we can perhaps stop the decline of birds is shown in the first multi-species illustrated book by Germany's currently most famous ornithologist Peter Berthold.


Author: Professor Dr. Peter Berthold

Professor Dr. Peter Berthold is an ornithologist and behavioural scientist who has been internationally renowned and well-known for many years. He taught at the University of Konstanz, worked for several years at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen, headed the Radolfzell Ornithological Station and published a large number of magazine articles and also some standard works on birds in Europe.


Photos: Konrad Wothe


2020, 3rd edition, 224 pages, hardcover, over 200 illustrations


Language: German